Originally posted 2024-06-11 09:14:30.
By Editorial Staff
Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) is one of earliest Messengers of God, who was sent during the early times of humanity. He came after the Prophets Adam and Idris (peace be upon them) and was commissioned with calling people to the way of monotheism when they forsook it. He is one of Allah’s most chosen Prophets and one of the best five Messengers along with Prophet Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all).
Before the coming of Noah, people had a number of righteous ones who were known for their uprightness and piety. They were named, according to the Quran, Wadd, Suwa`, Yaghuth, Ya`uq and Nasr.
When these good people passed away, their people made statues in their forms as memorials for them. With the passage of time, the following generations forgot the story and started seeking blessings from these statues. After a while, people took these statues as idols and started worshipping them.
Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) was sent to lead them back to the religion of Adam and Idris (peace be upon them). Prophet Noah put in considerable efforts in calling people to the worship of Allah and spent 950 years in his mission.
As his people continued in their deviation, Almighty Allah has drowned them in a great flood. Almighty Allah says,
And We certainly sent Noah to his people, and he remained among them a thousand years minus fifty years, and the flood seized them while they were wrongdoers. (Al-`Ankabut 29:14)
The following video relates to us the story of Prophet Noah (peace be upon him), how his people responded to his call, the efforts exerted by Noah to take people to the way of guidance and finally the punishment of Allah that stroke them when they refused Noah’s message.
Source: Islamic Guidance Youtube Channel