
My Journey to Islam: Muhammad Ali Led me to Islam

Added by on 29/06/2024

Yahya, a 46-year old Filipino, has embraced Islam since he was 27.  His family belongs to the Committee of the Church and his brother is a priest. Before Islam he was following Jesus Christ but not the real Jesus; the son of Mary and the

Originally posted 2024-03-12 13:54:48.

Yahya, a 46-year old Filipino, has embraced Islam since he was 27.  His family belongs to the Committee of the Church and his brother is a priest.

Before Islam he was following Jesus Christ but not the real Jesus; the son of Mary and the Messenger of Allah he believes in today, but the doctrine of the Catholic church.

His love for boxing and for Muhammad Ali made him name his child after the Muslim boxing champion; Muhammad, knowing nothing about the meaning of the name.  And that’s where his journey to Islam began.

Learn more about his interesting story from the video below…

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