
A Great Word that Wipes Away All Sins

Added by on 29/06/2024

Learn about the word that is so powerful that it wipes away all sins, no matter how great; a great word to hold dear and live by

Originally posted 2020-05-13 15:11:42.

A Great Word that Wipes Away All Sins

A word that is so powerful that it wipes away all sins, no matter how great

The belief to hold dear and live by: the word “I beseech Allah for forgiveness” is not a small thing

“By my Glory, and my Majesty:”

While the Satan says: “I will keep trying to mislead them so long as their souls are in their bodies.”

Yet, Allah says: “By My Glory and my Majesty, I will continue to forgive them so long as they ask Me forgiveness.”

“I beseech Allah for forgiveness” is not a small thing

If a Muslims sincerely says: “I beseech Allah for forgiveness”, even the greater Shirk (polytheism) would be wiped away

There’s no sin worse than polytheism!

If he says: “I beseech Allah for forgiveness”, Allah will forgive him

 “Surely Allah forgives all sins.” (Az-Zumar 39:53)

So where does the defect lie?

The defect lies here: man says “I beseech Allah for forgiveness” without knowing the true meaning of “I beseech Allah for forgiveness”

“I beseech Allah for forgiveness” means I feel and perceive the greatness of the sin

“I beseech Allah for forgiveness” means I feel and perceive the greatness of Allah; how did I dare to disobey Him?

And it is not to feel He will forgive me

And it pertains to Satan to feel the sin is too great to be forgiven

Nothing is impossible for Allah

Allah says: “Say: “O my Servants who have transgressed against themselves (by sinning) …!” (Az-Zumar 39:53)

 “have transgressed against themselves (by sinning), despair not of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah …” (Az-Zumar 39:53)

And who said that? The most merciful of those who show mercy

And who said that? The best of those who forgive (Exalted be He)

 “Indeed, Allah forgives all sins.” (Az-Zumar 39:53)

All sins, by Allah…altogether

“I beseech Allah for forgiveness” is a great word that wipes away all sins of a lifetime.

If a servant has been completely wicked his entire life, indulging in sins and disobedience

then repents sincerely to Allah before his life ends and before death approaches

sincerely saying “I beseech Allah for forgiveness” for all these sins, Allah forgives him whatever may be his sins

He will come out as sinless as a newborn child. It’s forgiveness: the promise of Allah

And it’s what we often doubt! It must be a belief deep inside

For that, pure belief in the Oneness of Allah

makes us believe in Allah’s generosity

Allah has ascribed mercy to Himself; His mercy encompasses all things

It compasses even sinners and wrongdoers

We see a servant who is a sinner, guilty

coming, at the age of 90, to perform `Umrah

That’s why we find that a large proportion of pilgrims are elderly

It is the wisdom of Allah

They come at the end of their life to repent

They come at the end of their life begging forgiveness, hoping to attain the mercy of the Most Merciful

And whoever approaches Allah and makes du`aa’ to Allah even at their houses not at the houses of Allah,

Allah forgives them whatever may be their sins

“O My servants, you commit error night and day and I am there to pardon your sins, so beg pardon from Me so that I should grant you pardon.”

“O Allah, forgive us!” “O Allah, forgive us!” “O Allah, forgive us!”

Believe that nothing is impossible for Allah, and don’t make light of the word “I beseech Allah for forgiveness”



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