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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
How Yvonne Ridley Became a Muslim

Watch this video to know how former Taliban captive, Yvonne Ridley, converted to Islam. ...

German Man Converts to Islam on Deathbed

The man in the video is a 75-year-old German who has converted to Islam on his deathbed. After ...

Why Did Muhammad Ali Convert to Islam?

When did Muhammad Ali convert to Islam? How did he convert to Islam? Watch this video to know m ...

Why Did Baba Ali Accept Islam?

How did Baba `Ali find Islam? What stages did he go through? How does it feel being a Muslim no ...

Why Did the British Scientist, Arthur J. Ellison, Revert to Islam? (1/10)

At the end of the closing session, Arthur J. Ellison takes the podium and, to the surprise of e ...

Sonny Bill Williams: “Islam Has Made Me a Lot Happier”

When asked about what the Muslim faith has done for him and what it has given him, the world's ...

How Did Vince Focarelli, Former Italian Gangster, Embrace Islam?

Vince Focarelli, the former most notorious Italian gangster in Australia, who survived six assa ...

How Did Ismaeel Chartier, US. Champion Wrestler, Convert to Islam?

When did Imam Ismaeel Chartier decide to become Muslim? What did he feel after his conversion t ...

Liverpool FC Footballer Sadio Mane Cleaning the Mosque Toilets and Wudu Area in Liverpool

On September 3 and after scoring at Leicester, the Liverpool Muslim star and the Singalese wing ...

Bishop Micha Reverts to Islam

Bishop Micha reverts to Islam Ex-Bishop Micha was diagnosed with cancer. Whilst in hospital he ...

How Alexander Converted to Islam

By Editorial Staff Alexander – a convert to Islam grew up in a communist family in former ...

My Journey to Islam: Muhammad Ali Led me to Islam

Yahya, a 46-year old Filipino, has embraced Islam since he was 27.  His family belongs to the C ...

Why Maryam Accepted Islam?

By Editorial Staff: Maryam was raised in a Christian family and she was taught to hate Islam an ...

Bilal Philips: My Way to Islam

Who is your God? How did you find Him? What are His words? Who is His final Messenger, from his ...

European Scientist Converts to Islam

Enjoy watching this video by a European scientist who converts to Islam after his knowledge of ...

A Christian Minister Converts to Islam (2/2)

Dr. Jerald Dirks is on the DeenShow this week to complete his story on Why he accept Islam, the ...