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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Spiritual and Physical Effects of Fasting

Enjoy watching this video by Dr. Bilal Philips to know more about the spiritual as well as the ...

How to Perform Fasting

What is fasting? What is the wisdom behind it? What are the rulings and conditions of fasting d ...

What Is Fasting in Islam?

Why do Muslims fast, and how? What does it have to do with belief in God? What is the reasoning ...

Look Forward, Get Ready for Ramadan

How can I prepare for Ramadan, make this Ramadan a landmark in my life? Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem ...

How the Prophet Welcomed Ramadan

What did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) do to prepare for Ramadan? What du`aa’ did he use ...

Shaban: The Forgotten Month

Enjoy watching this video to know more about the importance of the blessed month of Sha`ban and ...

My Journey to Islam: Muhammad Ali Led me to Islam

Yahya, a 46-year old Filipino, has embraced Islam since he was 27.  His family belongs to the C ...

How Did Islam Abolish Slavery?

What is slavery? What did Islam do to abolish it? Watch this video to get the answer to these q ...

How Aliza Kim Embraced Islam

Finding Him by Aliza Kim is a vlog series revolving around the journey of Aliza’s reversion to ...

Why Maryam Accepted Islam?

By Editorial Staff: Maryam was raised in a Christian family and she was taught to hate Islam an ...

Bilal Philips: My Way to Islam

Who is your God? How did you find Him? What are His words? Who is His final Messenger, from his ...

What Is Islam?

The teachings of Islam, they are as relevant today as they were 1400 years ago. In fact, Islam ...

Islam and Slavery

Enjoy watching this video that sheds light on the issue of slavery and gives you a better under ...

Reward of Non-Muslims’ Good Deeds

The Prophet said, “Whenever a non-Muslim does a good deed in this life, he will be rewarded acc ...

Parents: Your Door to Paradise

Listen to this distinctively interesting and spirited talk by Sheikh Yasir on the honour Islam ...

Lower Your Gaze from Females!

In this short video, Sheikh Mufti Menk talks about the significance and benefits of lowering th ...