
Divine Love: The Purest and Most Sincere Love

Added by on 29/06/2024

There’s no sincerer, purer, or higher love than the love of Allah (Exalted be He). And a servant who sincerely loves Allah, Allah loves him

Originally posted 2020-03-11 00:41:14.

What Is Divine Love?

There’s no sincerer, purer, or higher love than the love of Allah (Exalted be He)

And a servant who sincerely loves Allah (Exalted be He)

And sincerely worships Him (Exalted be He), Allah loves him

Because Allah is the Most Generous, the Most Generous, the Most Bountiful,

And Allah is the Most faithful to His covenant with His servant

“And who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah?” (At-Tawbah 9:111)

“who” here means ‘none’; i.e. none is more faithful to his covenant than Allah

Those who are sincere in their love for Allah and sincere in worshipping Him ascend to the higher levels of love and closeness to Allah until reaching its highest levels

As narrated in Muwatta Malik, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “If Allah loves a person, He calls Jibril, saying, ‘O Jibril I love so and so, so love him.”

Can you imagine! Allah calling out your name to the inhabitants of Heaven

“O Jibril I love so and so.”

And be sure that Allah doesn’t love His creatures because of their colors, their tribes, careers, or their status

But rather He loves them because of their sincerity in their relationship with Allah, their true belief in His Oneness, their profound love of Him, their servitude to Him, and their true fear of Him (Exalted be He)

When Allah looks at one’s conscience and heart, and finds it full of fear and observance of Him, the Almighty, in everything one speaks or does,

When Allah looks at a servant’s heart to find sincerity, true belief, servitude, strong faith, and ultimate certainty, He (Exalted be He) loves him

“I love so-and-so, love him. O Gabriel I love so and so, so love him”

He didn’t say “O Gabriel, love so-and-so”. Rather, He said, “I love…”

And behind this “I” are signs and evidences of the servant’s true sincerity and servitude to His Lord

Allah loves His servant; therefore, an announcement was made in the Heaven being steadfast in prayer, offering Zakah, fasting Ramadan, visiting the Ka`bah for Hajj and `Umrah, fulfilling the rights of Allah, dutiful to his brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts … and all his relatives.

He spares no effort to be good and dutiful to his parents and maintain the ties of kinship

He spares no effort to be good and kind to Muslims

He loves for them what he loves for himself and hates for them what he hates for himself

He strives for leading them to good and calling them to obedience and righteousness

Enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong

When Allah loves His servant, so (Jibril) announces to the inhabitants of heavens that Allah loves so- and-so. Then, Jibril loves him

But when does this happen? When one is sincere in his servitude to Allah

He keeps within the limits ordained by Allah, refraining from what Allah has forbidden

He suffices with Allah’s allowances against Allah’s prohibitions

He doesn’t say what is displeasing to Allah (Exalted be He), not even a word

When Allah loves His servant, He calls out Gibril to announce it in Heavens

“O Gibril, I love so-and-so”

Can you imagine that? Your name is called out in the Heavens

Such a high rank in the sight of Allah is not granted with mere yearning or wishing

It is not for those who praising themselves, seeing themselves above others as so-and-so

It is not for those who look at themselves with the eye of honor and self-glorification, seeing themselves a good-doers or men of knowledge

But rather it is for the humble,

for those who bring a lowly spirit

Those who are afraid; those “who give what they give while their hearts are full of fear that to their Lord they will return” (Al-Mu’minun 23:60)

Allah loves you for your good deeds

Allah loves you for your going nearer to Him

Allah loves you as you are walking with more paces to the mosque

For your great number of steps towards the mosque

Allah loves you for your takbir while standing in the first row

Allah loves your devotion and humility upon listening to the imam reciting the Qur’an

Allah loves you as you spread the Salam (greeting)

Allah loves you for your pure heart; a heart with no rancor in it

Allah loves you for being the Muslim from whose hand and tongue the Muslims are safe

Allah loves you as you sincere in your love of Allah

Read the book of Allah and seek out the methods to attain and develop the love of Allah

Allah loves the patient, so be one of them

And Allah loves those who bow and prostrate in worship, so be with them

Allah loves the pious, so be one of them

Allah loves those who rely upon Him, so be one of them

When a calamity befalls in yourself, in your family, your wealth or in your children

And even in your friend, your brother when they depart you

You say “To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return”

“O Allah! Compensate me in my affliction, recompense my loss and give me something better in”

Allah loves to hear this from you

Everything you verse from the Qur’an and every tradition of the Prophet (peace be upon him) you learn and then you act upon way of acquiring Allah’s love

When you use all available means and ask Allah for help to achieve your goal Allah will fulfill your need

Allah is faithful those who are faithful to Him

O Allah! We ask You for Your Love, and the love of those who love You

O Allah! We ask You for the words and deeds, the open and the secret, which will bring us Your Love

O Allah! We seek refuge in You from the trials, whether open or secret

O Allah! We seek refuge in You from the trials, whether open or secret

The God of those of old and those of later times

O Allah! Keep us steadfast in your religion and keep us firm on Your obedience

O Allah! Make us love belief and adorn our hearts with it. Make us hate disbelief, deviance and rebellion

O Allah! Remove trials from us, that which is obvious and that which is hidden

O Allah! Safeguard us from trials and those who are tried

O Allah! Safeguard us afflictions, falsehood, misguidance, and the fallacies of the atheists

O Allah! Keep us away from being put to trial in our religion, O the Everlasting, the Sustainer of existence, the God of those of old and those of later times!

O Allah, protect us through obedience to You and Your Messenger (peace be upon him)

O Allah! Make me learn your Book and the Sunnah, and keep us steadfast in your way

O Allah! make firm our steps, our words, and our deeds

And make all this bring us closer to what make You pleased with us

And make us among those who act sincerely for Your sake, and seek what is with you so you loved them, living and dead

Those who – when they were dying – were given the glad tidings of Your love so they loved to meet You as destined to be among the happy

O the Everlasting, the Sustainer of existence, the God of those of old and those of later times!

And make the happiest of my days the day that I depart this world, taking our souls when You are pleased with us

And Your love is destined to us

O God of those of old and those of later times!

O Allah! And don’t deprive us the good that is with You because of the bad that is with us instead

O Allah! Keep us steadfast on the truth till we meet You while You are pleased with us

O Allah! Keep us steadfast on the truth till we meet You when You are pleased with us

O Allah! We ask You for Your Love, and the love of those who love You

O Allah! Endear to us whatever will bring us closer to Your love

O Allah! Endear to us whatever will bring us closer to Your love

And remove from us whatever will come between us and Your love

O Allah! Forgive us our previous sins and wrongdoing

O Allah! Forgive our sins and cover our faults, and make our hearts firm on Your religion

O Most-Merciful of those who have mercy.

Glory be to Your Lord , Possessor of Honor, and peace be on the messengers

And praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds

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