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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy

From Christianity to Islam…Dr. Jimmy Jones

What do you know about Dr. Jimmy Jones? How did he find his way into Islam? And how did he become an active prominent Imam and public lecturer and writer, whose writing, research and lecture activities focus on Muslim American identity challenges?

What did transform him from an ‘illiterate’ person about other people’s religions to such a prominent Muslim writer and da`i?

James (Jimmy) E. Jones is a tenured Associate Professor of World Religions with a concurrent appointment in African Studies at Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY, where he is founding co-coordinator of the Center for Middle East Understanding. He is also currently the Academic Director of the Summer Arabic / Qur’an Immersion Program for Americans at Cairo ‘s Al-Azhar University where he has served for the past 5 years.

Born in Baltimore MD, Jimmy Jones embraced Islam in 1979.

Learn more about Professor Jones’ life, conversion story from Christianity to Islam, his life as a Muslim, in his own words here…