
Give Me a Reason to Be Muslim?

Added by on 29/06/2024

By Editorial Staff In this video, 10 reasons are given which explain why we should embrace Islam. 1- Islam gives clear and rational answers to the questions in one's mind. 2- Islam takes the human nature into consideration. 3- Islam does not recognize blind submission

Originally posted 2024-06-01 06:56:08.

By Editorial Staff

In this video, 10 reasons are given which explain why we should embrace Islam.

1- Islam gives clear and rational answers to the questions in one’s mind.

2- Islam takes the human nature into consideration.

3- Islam does not recognize blind submission and does not call for it.

4- Islam refuses worshiping creations.

5- Islam does not allow confusion in day to day life.

6- While religions are different on how they perceive the Creator, Islam answers this clearly. There is nothing like unto Him.

7- Islam respects all prophets.

8- Islam refuses alleged mediators between man and his Creator.

9- Islam does not force anyone to embrace it.

10- Islam changes the life of those who embraced it 180 degrees.

Does Islam have answers to the following questions?

1- Why are created?

2- What is our purpose in life?

3- What will happen after death?

Watch this video to know why you should embrace Islam.

Source: Guide to Islam Channel


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