
How Did Aishah Schwartz Find Her Way to Islam?

Added by on 29/06/2024

Watch the Shahadah story of Aishah Schwartz as given in a talk at the 4th Annual NEMA (Native European Muslims Assembly (NEMA) Camp held in Tunisia, October 28-Nov. 3, 2012.

Originally posted 2019-03-26 10:04:59.

By Editorial Staff

Aishah Schwartz is a Muslim-American freelance writer, activist, photo journalist for Demotix and Director of Muslimah Writers Alliance (MWA), an internationally based organization promoting Muslim women who write.

Watch the Shahadah story of Aishah Schwartz as given in a talk at the 4th Annual NEMA (Native European Muslims Assembly (NEMA) Camp held in Tunisia, October 28-Nov. 3, 2012.

Source: Aishah Schwartz Channel

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