
How Did Suhaib Webb Convert to Islam?

Added by on 29/06/2024

Can God be a man? Can God have a son? Who is Allah? Watch this video to know how Imam Suhaib Webb reacted to these questions and how converted to Islam.

Originally posted 2024-06-28 13:25:02.

By Editorial Staff

Imam Suhaib Webb was born and raised in the State of Oklahoma, USA. Suhaib William Webb accepted Islam at the age of twenty.

He graduated in education from the Central Oklahoma University and has studied Arabic and Islamic studies under many notable scholars. He studied Shari`ah (Islamic law) at Al-Azhar University in Cairo. He is the author of the best selling audio CD album “Mothers of the Believers”.

What is Suhaib Webb’s former religion?

What did he believe in as a Christian?

Did he believe in Trinity?

Did he believe in Baptism?

What made Suhaib Webb change his views on Christianity?

How long did it take him to accept Islam?

How did he get hold of the Quran?

Can God be a man?

Can God have a son?

Who is Allah?

What is so special about Islam?

Watch this video to know how Imam Suhaib Webb reacted to these questions and how converted to Islam.


Source of the video: The Deen Show Channel

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