
How Did the Sunnah Reach Us?

Added by on 29/06/2024

What are the criteria of accepting the Sunnah? What are the most authentic Sunnah books? Who is the Al-Bukhari?

Originally posted 2024-05-12 03:13:48.

By Editorial Staff

What does the Sunnah mean? Is the Sunnah a primary source of Islamic legislation? Was the Sunnah written down during the Prophet’s lifetime? What are the different classifications of the Sunnah? What did the scholars study the Sunnah? What are the procedures of preserving the Sunnah? What did the scholars of hadith study the Sunnah?

What is the isnad? What is the matn? Did the scholars of hadith study the narrators only? Did the scholars of hadith study the texts of hadiths?

Is there a difference between the Sunnah and the Hadith?

What are the criteria of accepting the Sunnah? What are the most authentic Sunnah books? Who is the Al-Bukhari?

Watch this video to know the answer to all these questions and more.

Source: Guide to Islam Youtube Channel


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