
How to Perform Fasting

Added by on 29/06/2024

What is fasting? What is the wisdom behind it? What are the rulings and conditions of fasting during the blessed month of Ramadan?

Originally posted 2024-03-17 14:50:42.

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars upon which the structure of Islam is built. The other four are the declaration of one’s belief in God’s oneness and in the message of Muhammad (peace be upon him), regular attendance to prayer, payment of zakah (i.e. obligatory charity), and the pilgrimage.

Fasting is a cool thing to do in the modern world and there are so many health and medical benefits in fasting.

Learn about Ramadan and the benefits and rulings of fasting and so much more in this episode of the Deen Show with guest Dr. Mamdouh Mohamed.

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