
Julian: I Never Wanted to Become a Muslim or Practice Islam

Added by on 05/06/2024

What made brother Julian from France to think about the purpose of life? In which religion did Julian find the answer to his question about the purpose of life? Watch this very short video to know how brother Julian accepted the truth of Islam.

By Editorial Staff

What made brother Julian from France to think about the purpose of life?

In which religion did Julian find the answer to his question about the purpose of life?

What is he doing to practice the purpose of life?

Now dear viewers and readers, if you are seeking the truth, ask your Creator for guidance.

Read the introductions to world religions including Islam and if your sincere in seeking the truth, be sure that God will guide you.

Watch this very short video to know how brother Julian accepted the truth of Islam.


Source of the video: TheDeenShowTV


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