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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy

Look Forward, Get Ready for Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is the right time to strive to overcome the weights our nafs (human self) put down on us, that make going to the masjid so heavy and difficult, that make opening the Qur’an and reading it an impossible task, that make prayer so burdensome.

This is the month in which we can bring life to these acts, and in which Allah facilitates and makes them easy for us to help us taste their sweetness.

The video tells us how to prepare for Ramadan. A new blessed Ramadan is coming, in sha’ Allah, and you still have the opportunity to make it your best; to make it a real landmark in your life.

So, what should I do to prepare myself for Ramadan? How could we really do to get closer to God during that blessed month?

Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem gives precious practical tips to reach that goal…