
NBC NEWS: 20000 Americans Convert to Islam Each Year

Added by on 29/06/2024

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years. Enjoy watching this video that talks about the spread of Islam, according to the NBC New.

Originally posted 2023-10-19 10:38:55.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years, and is now a fiery revival sweeping much of the planet from Africa to Asia to Latin America to Europe to USA.
The number of Europeans, Americans, Latinos and Africans converting to Islam is growing rapidly

Today the fastest growing religion in the World is Islam..spreading through the sword of intellect and Wisdom .

In Islam, before we believe we have to get the evidence of the religion to be committed without any doubt and to live contently.

Muslims do not see Islam as a normal religion, but as a whole system of Life, which gives all answers about this life and hereafter.

Enjoy watching this video that talks about the spread of Islam, according to the NBC New.

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