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American Christian Converted to Islam by Reading the Bible

American Christian Converted to Islam 

Enjoy watching this video of this American young man who was Christian but he decided to embrace Islam because of the mistakes and contradictions he
Prophet Muhammad’s Marriage to Lady `A’ishah

Prophet Muhammad’s Marriage to Lady 

Watch this video by Shaykh Yusuf Estes answering a question about Prophet's marriage to lady `A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her).
Was Muhammad a Messenger from God?

Was Muhammad a Messenger from 

In this video, the renowned Sheikh, Yusuf Estes, sheds light on the biography, manners and morals of the last Messenger of Almighty God to humanity.
New Muslim Convert Gives Great Advice

New Muslim Convert Gives Great 

This is some great advice from James an 85 year old man who has been though war (war 2) and has seen many things in
Sooner or Later You Will Die!!

Sooner or Later You Will 

Sheikh Ibrahim Dremali is talking about death and what happens to a person when he or she dies. The video is very touching and shows
Details of Death in Islam

Details of Death in Islam 

In Islam, death is not an end to our existence; it is a passage, which takes us from this world to the hereafter – the
Muslim Women Hijab: Cover or Modesty?

Muslim Women Hijab: Cover or 

Why do Muslim women dress the way they do? Why do they have to cover themselves up that way, what for?
The 5 Most Common Misconceptions about Islam

The 5 Most Common Misconceptions 

Islam is the last religion revealed to the last of Prophets, Muhammad. Since it's emergence, Islam has been massively and multifariously encountered by a lot
Are You Prepared for Death?

Are You Prepared for Death? 

It this episode you'll learn how to better prepare for death and for what comes next. This is a serious topic that no one should
Why Is It Allowable in Islam to Have Four Wives?

Why Is It Allowable in 

Why is it legal in Islam, isn't it? Isn't it a matter of privileges, discrimination or even pleasure?
Terrorism Has No Religion

Terrorism Has No Religion 

Are you sick of being lied to? come to the source to learn the truth about Islam and Muslims
What Does Islam Say about Terrorism?

What Does Islam Say about 

This film, produced by the Science Research Foundation, a Harun Yahya institution, presents the Muslim response to and denunciation of terrorism. Beginning with the event
Who Hijacked Islam??

Who Hijacked Islam?? 

PLEASE RATE ALL VIDEOS - NEW VIDEO EACH FRIDAY! I turn on the TV and I'm amazed the type of characters they have explaining my
World Converts to Islam 2010

World Converts to Islam 2010 

Enjoy watching this video that includes numerous people from different cultures and nationalities entering Islam gladly and with their own accord.
BBC – Islam’s Influence on Mathematics and Science

BBC – Islam’s Influence on 

This BBC documentary explores Islam's influence on Mathematics, and Science. Undeniably, Islam had a major influence on Europe and the world.
An 85 Year Old American Embracing Islam

An 85 Year Old American 

Enjoy watching the story of that old new Muslims whom Allah has blessed with guidance, and helped him find the truth in the religion of
Social Justice In Islam

Social Justice In Islam 

The Inspired by Muhammad campaign was designed to improve the public understanding of Islam and Muslims. It showcased Britons demonstrating how Muhammad inspired them to
Importance of Education in Islam

Importance of Education in Islam 

Enjoy watching this video from the Inspired by Muhammad Campaign by Akram Khan-Cheema talking about education as inspired from the life and teachings of Prophet
A Conversation with Ingrid Mattson

A Conversation with Ingrid Mattson 

In this Pennsylvania State University video, Ingrid Mattson, the first female president of the Islamic Society of North America, talks about converting to Islam and
NBC NEWS: 20000 Americans Convert to Islam Each Year

NBC NEWS: 20000 Americans Convert 

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is going to dominate many Places in USA and Europe in the next few years.
Dr. Ian Weber from UK Converts to Islam

Dr. Ian Weber from UK 

Let’s find out why Dr Ian Weber converted to Islam. It is work and travel to Muslim countries. No wonder, when you come into contact