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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
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A Christian Scholar Converts to Islam: Why?

A Christian Scholar Converts to Islam: Why? 

Enjoy watching this video to know more about the religious life story of this ex-Christian scholar who embraced Islam after persistent search.
A Christian Minister Converts to Islam (2/2)

A Christian Minister Converts to Islam (2/2) 

Dr. Jerald Dirks is on the DeenShow this week to complete his story on Why he accept Islam, the last religion revealed to Prophet Muhammad
A Christian Converts to Islam

A Christian Converts to Islam 

Our new convert or new-Muslim is Omar Carter who grew up with Christian parents who both were clergy members of the Church. At a young
A Call to Go Back to the Natural Disposition

A Call to Go Back to the Natural Disposition 

By Editorial Staff Look at the universe around you. Who runs this universe and that He is always of in full control of it? In
A British Christian Accepts Islam Because of the Quran

A British Christian Accepts Islam Because of the Quran 

By Editorial Staff Why did Simon, a British Christian man accept Islam? What attracted him most to Islam? What does he have to say about
A Brief Guide to Islam

A Brief Guide to Islam 

What is Islam? What do Muslims believe? What is the Quran? What is the Sunnah? What are the six articles of the Islamic faith? What
A Book of Imperishable Wonders: The Example of Mosquito

A Book of Imperishable Wonders: The Example of Mosquito 

Allah has given the example of a mosquito in the Quran to show us how this little creature has an extremely complicated structure.
10 Facts About Jesus

10 Facts About Jesus 

By Editorial Staff How much do you about Jesus? How do Muslims believe about Jesus? Do Muslims love Jesus? Do Muslims honor Jesus’s Mother, Lady
“As for He Who Gives and Fears Allah”

“As for He Who Gives and Fears Allah” 

“As for he who gives and fears Allah, and believes in the best (reward)”Those are the ones who are saved, those are the happy and