
Prophet Muhammad’s Marriage to Lady `A’ishah

Added by on 29/06/2024

Watch this video by Shaykh Yusuf Estes answering a question about Prophet's marriage to lady `A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her).

Originally posted 2023-11-14 07:21:48.

The Prophet’s marriage to lady `A’ishah has remained a point of great dispute. Indeed, there is a great misrepresentation in this issue by those who seek to cast doubts against Islam, the religion that esteemed woman and gave her full rights and duties.

If we think about the status of women before and after Islam, we will find a great injustice and prejudice practiced legally and conventionally against women. Yet, Islam sought to liberate woman from all kinds of oppression and inequity, and commanded to treat her with virtuousness. The last words of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a commandment to fear Allah and deal kindly with women.

Regarding the Prophet’s marriage to lady `Aisha, the books of history illustrate that the people at those times used to get married to women at quite an early age once the woman was eligible for marriage. It was something normal and widespread even among the Persian and Roman kings.

Watch this video by Shaykh Yusuf Estes answering a question about Prophet’s marriage to lady `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her).

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