Tag: Jannah

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Paradise in Islam

Paradise in Islam 

Enjoy watching this video by Sheikh Nouman Ali Khan talking about Paradise and Hellfire, the punishment and reward, in this life and the hereafter, according
Feeling Content with Allah

Feeling Content with Allah 

Allah the Almighty says: “and mankind was created weak.” (An-Nisaa’ 4:28) If Allah created mankind stronger, they would be in no need of Him. And
Choose Your Destination

Choose Your Destination 

What’s our destination, slaves of Allah? When you aim high, you need to work hard to achieve your goal.
Why Is There a Day of Judgment?

Why Is There a Day 

Why is there a Day of Judgment? Why is man Allah’s chosen creature? What are the potentials Allah has given him to be His best
House of Trials

House of Trials 

No one on earth will ever smell the fragrance of Paradise until they are put to test. It was asked: should we ask Allah for