Tag: quran

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Women Rights in Islam

Women Rights in Islam 

Islam raised the level of women, and allocated for them, as men, equal rights and responsibilities that take into account the nature of humankind. Women
Muhammad: The Most Influential Man in History

Muhammad: The Most Influential Man 

This video is about the book of "The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History" whose author puts the Prophet Muhammad (peace
Was Jesus Born on December 25?

Was Jesus Born on December 

Watch this short video to know how Sheikh Ahmed Deedat explained that Christmas is not in December according to the Bible and the Qur'an.
Why Did a Christian Ph.D. Theologian of the Bible Embrace Islam?

Why Did a Christian Ph.D. 

Why did Dr. Angel, who has a PhD in Theology and Masters in Electronic Engineering and Associates in Mental Health, embrace Islam?
The Absolute Truth about Muhammad in the Bible

The Absolute Truth about Muhammad 

There are exact verses in the Old Testament and New Testament referring clearly to Prophet Muhammad and that he is the last of Allah's Prophets.
How Do the Quran and the Bible Honor the Prophets?

How Do the Quran and 

How do the Quran and the Bible narrate the story of these Prophets? Do they honor them? How are these prophets described in these Books?
Does God Exist?

Does God Exist? 

Nothing from human experience can let us believe that something came from nothing. Let us look at everything around us to know where it came
What Is the Relation between Terrorism and Islam?

What Is the Relation between 

Dr. Waleed Basyouni clarifies that the statement "all Muslims not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims" is untrue because there is a lot of extreme
Is There Any Proof for Darwinian Evolution?

Is There Any Proof for 

We do not want something to be accepted by faith, we want it to be observable.
What Is Jihad in Islam?

What Is Jihad in Islam? 

Jihad On Terror, with Arabic
American Architect Accepts Islam

American Architect Accepts Islam 

Watch this video with and open heart and an open mind and if your sincerely looking for peace and purpose in life, this video will
Why Jorge Garcia Accepted Islam?

Why Jorge Garcia Accepted Islam? 

In this video by the DeenShow, Eddie makes an interview with Jorge to find out why he chose Islam as his way of life and
American Christian Converted to Islam by Reading the Bible

American Christian Converted to Islam 

Enjoy watching this video of this American young man who was Christian but he decided to embrace Islam because of the mistakes and contradictions he
Sooner or Later You Will Die!!

Sooner or Later You Will 

Sheikh Ibrahim Dremali is talking about death and what happens to a person when he or she dies. The video is very touching and shows
BBC – Islam’s Influence on Mathematics and Science

BBC – Islam’s Influence on 

This BBC documentary explores Islam's influence on Mathematics, and Science. Undeniably, Islam had a major influence on Europe and the world.
Spotlight on Islamic Finance

Spotlight on Islamic Finance 

Originally posted 2023-10-16 09:51:43. Islamic finance refers to a set of rulings that are consistent with the principles of the Shari`ah (Islamic rulings) and its
Beware of the Punishment of God

Beware of the Punishment of 

We fear that an act of punishment of God will strike us.To be punished by which the others was punished with, of crises and lessons.
Beware of the Talebearer

Beware of the Talebearer 

The talebearer is an envier, a backbiter, a liar, and a wrongdoer. That’s why the graves of some Muslims under the ground burst into flames...
The Biggest Danger to Muslims

The Biggest Danger to Muslims 

The biggest danger to Muslims comes not from the enemies of the religion. The dangers that destroyed Muslims throughout history came from those religious pretenders