
Terrorism Has No Religion

Added by on 29/06/2024

Are you sick of being lied to? come to the source to learn the truth about Islam and Muslims

Originally posted 2023-11-02 14:06:49.

Islam is derived from the word ‘salam’ which means peace. It is a religion of peace that teaches its followers to maintain and promote peace throughout the world. It is not inviting to murder or shedding the blood of others.

The Most-Merciful is one of Allah‘s Noble Names. Islam seeks to instill and spread peace in the whole earth. This is what both the Qur’an and statements of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) confirm.

God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes.  God loves just dealers. (Al-Mumtahanah 60:8)

Enjoy watching this video by the DeeanShow to know the truth about the relation of Islam with terrorism.

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1 Comment

  • Hisham Alli 6 years ago

    Hullo. Please thank you for these educative video clip . My concern is that is there a way we can download them for review at Home