
The Closest Person to You

Added by on 29/06/2024

Your wife is the closest person to you. This life companion and life partner deserves your kindness, and she is most deserving of your good treatment.

Originally posted 2019-05-20 12:35:03.

By Editorial Staff

Your wife is the closest person to you as the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

“Be kind and considerate to women. By Allah, it is only the generous in character who is good to women, and only the evil one who insults them.”

This life companion and life partner deserves your kindness.

She is the closest person to you, and she is most deserving of your good treatment.

And no one is perfect… it means… “and the most curved portion of the rib is its upper portion.

So, if you should try to straighten it, it will break, but if you leave it as it is, it will remain crooked. So enjoy them as they are (crooked).”

This means to be compassionate to human beings. A wise man may even enjoy life with a low-quality wife.

An un-wise man may live a miserable life even with a high-quality wife

That’s why wisdom is the greatest divine gift “and whoever has been granted wisdom, he certainly has been given much good.” (Al-Baqarah 2:269)

“Be kind to women. By Allah, it is only the generous in character who is good to women, and only the evil one who insults them.”

“Treat women nicely”…The kind Prophet commands us to be kind and considerate to women

And one of the most accurate interpretations I’ve read of Allah’s saying “And live with them in kindness” (An-Nisaa’ 4:19) is that

some of the mufassirin (exegetes) said that to live with them in kindness doesn’t mean not to harm her,

but to tolerate harm. This is to be compassionate to human beings

Homes are places of kindness, saying salam, and smiles.

When the Prophet entered his house, he would smile and laugh so regularly.

The Prophet said about women that they are dearly pleasant and friendly.

And love is something you do with your hands; by smiling, saying salam, forgiveness, and sometimes by giving help.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) served his family often, sweeping the house, patching his garments,

milking his goat.

Kind treatment of the wife is a very great deed.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) made goodness towards one’s family the highest degree of goodness.

He said: “The best of you are the best to their families, and I am the best to my family”.

Outside the home, one may do whatever works for their interest.

According to common concept, it’s called “business”

Their kindness, nice-looking, salam, and smile form part of their work in order to be liked by people and to achieve their desired goals.

Nice, but at home there’s no supervision, so true challenge for the believer is to be kind to his family.

To be tolerant for some mistakes, it means nothing can spoil the relationship between him and his wife.

You forgive her, and she forgives you, each one is enjoining kindness.

“And enjoin kindness to one another.”

 “The most beautiful names belong to Allah: so call on him by them(Al-A`raf 7:180)

One of the meanings of this verse is to get closer to Allah by adapting His perfectness.

Allah is kind…He (Exalted be He) loves kind and gentle people.

Adapting Allah’s perfectness is, for example, to be kind.

As a kind person, then kindness is your gate to get closer to Allah (Exalted be He).

A very important point, to get closer to Allah you should adapt His perfectness.

As Allah is kind and gentle towards His slaves, you should be kind towards people around you.

And your wife is the closest person to you.

Lady Aishah once told the Prophet (peace be upon him)

A long story about Abi Zar` and Umm Zar’, telling him about his courage and generosity

How an exemplary husband he was, but she was very sorry telling him at the end that he divorced his wife.

And the Prophet (peace be upon him) was kind to lady `A’ishah and told her: I am for you as Abu Zara’ was for Umm Zar` but I will not divorce you.’.

This wife! Who does she have in this life except you! Sometimes we find the husband trying to joke their wives about second wife and divorce.

This is not funny,. This creates a gap between them. The husband may hurt his wife and break her with this joke.

So, be kind to this woman that Allah has gifted you.

So, be kind and considerate to women. By Allah, it is only the generous in character who is good to women, and only the evil one who insults them.

They are dearly precious and friendly.

When the Prophet entered his house, he would smile and laugh so regularly.

He kept himself busy serving his family, and this is a form of kindness.

A person’s true character becomes clear at home.

The houses of the Muslims should be like heaven.

Man shall not live by bread alone.

Even if you feed them expensive food, house them in luxurious homes,

they will still need your kindness, your smile, your love.

Especially the woman, love governs her.

Feeding her cheap food and being kind to her

is a thousand times better than feeding her expensive food with harsh treatment.

And love is in your hands. There’s a common saying that after a while, they get bored of each other

and love disappears. This contradicts what the Prophet (peace be upon) said

He (peace be upon) said: “Thanks to Allah Who had nurtured her love in my heart”.

One of the secrets of happiness is to love your wife.

Because she is your mate and the mother of your children.

It is up to you now.


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