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The Awe and Majesty of Allah

The Awe and Majesty of 

Feeling the awe and majesty of Allah is the highest level of fear, and our Lord possesses such great Majesty that only those whose hearts
The Best Act of Worship in the Sight of Allah

The Best Act of Worship 

The best act of worship in the sight of Allah is du`aa’ (supplication). Supplication is the essence of worship. Listen to this story...
The Companions’ Love for the Prophet

The Companions’ Love for the 

His Companions loved him so much that one of them came to him inquiring how they could continue to live after the death of the
The Danger of Debt

The Danger of Debt 

The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) asked Allah to settle the debt for him. He (peace be upon him) even used to ask
The Descent of Jesus Christ

The Descent of Jesus Christ 

Enjoy watching this video by Dr. Bilal Philips to know more about Jesus, his status in Islam, his crucifixion and his descent to the earth.
The Dilemma of Reverence

The Dilemma of Reverence 

A person in prayer is speaking in private to his Lord. Meaning that he is having a speech with him by opening his heart, and
The Etiquette of Giving Opinion in Islam

The Etiquette of Giving Opinion 

Enjoy watching this video to know much about the Islamic consideration of the other and the importance to respect their views even if one disagrees
The Fifth Pillar of Islam Hajj

The Fifth Pillar of Islam 

What is hajj? Who should perfrom hajj? What are the conditions of hajj? What is the significance of hajj? What lesson can Muslims learn from
The First Pillar of Islam: The Testimony of Faith “the Shahadah”

The First Pillar of Islam: 

What is the first pillar of Islam? What is the Shahadah? How to become a Muslim? Who is a Muslim? Watch this video to know
The Fourth Article of Muslim Faith: Belief in Prophets and Messengers of Allah

The Fourth Article of Muslim 

What do Muslims believe about the Prophets of God? Do Muslims believe in Adam? Watch this video to know the answer to all these questions.
The Fourth Pillar of Islam: Fasting

The Fourth Pillar of Islam: 

What is fasting? When do Muslims fast? Why do Muslims fast? What is so special about Ramadan? What are the benefits of fasting? Watch this
The Gift of Prayer

The Gift of Prayer 

The well-being of a servant depends on prayer. One's success in all his affairs; in both internal and external aspects of life depends on it.
The Golden Age of Islam

The Golden Age of Islam 

Who led the mechanical foundations for motors? Who invented the time telling machine? Who was the founder of algebra and algorithm? Watch this video to
The Greatest Type of Corruption

The Greatest Type of Corruption 

“And when it is said to them, ‘Do not cause corruption on the earth,’ they say, ‘We are but reformers’.” (Al-Baqarah 2:11)
The Happiest Moments for the Believer

The Happiest Moments for the 

The happiest and dearest moments for the believer are when death approaches them. After this time, the believer will have no more distress
The Most Important Reasons for Breast Expansion (Relief)?

The Most Important Reasons for 

What are the reasons for breast expansion “relief”? What does purify the heart? Why do some people feel that their chests are heavy?
The Real Reason of Calamities

The Real Reason of Calamities 

If Allah afflicts one with calamities like poverty, earthquakes or storms or mass poverty, what could alleviate them? How can they feel content with Allah?
The Rise of Islam in Japan

The Rise of Islam in 

Watch this video to know more about the rise of Islam in Jaban, the East Asian country and how it’s practiced in the busy daily
The Second Article of Muslim Faith: Belief in Angels

The Second Article of Muslim 

What is the second article of the Muslim faith? Can the Angels see us? Can we see the Angels? Watch this video to know the
The Second Pillar of Islam: The Prayer

The Second Pillar of Islam: 

What is the significance of prayer? What are the benefits of prayer? Watch this short video to know the answer to these questions.
The Sin of Publishing Suspicions

The Sin of Publishing Suspicions 

We have many major sins; i.e. killing, zina. The greatest sin is: “…and to say about Allah what you do not know”; to share suspicions....