
Women’s Rights in Islam

Added by on 29/06/2024

During his lifetime, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) took counsel with and encouraged over 600 female scholars, warriors, nurses, businesswomen, teachers and students. Are women degraded in Islam? Do women have rights in Islam? Do women have a right to participate in public life?

Originally posted 2024-02-22 09:42:05.

During his lifetime, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) took counsel with and encouraged over 600 female scholars, warriors, nurses, businesswomen, teachers and students.

Are women degraded in Islam? Do women have rights in Islam? Do women have a right to participate in public life? Do women have a right to inherit?

To know the answer to these questions, watch this show of Inspired by Muhammad campaign in which Sultana Tafadar focuses on women’s rights.

The Inspired by Muhammad campaign is designed to improve the public understanding of Islam and Muslims. It showcases Britons demonstrating how Muhammad inspires them to contribute to society, with a focus on women’s rights, social justice and the environment.

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