
World Converts to Islam 2010

Added by on 29/06/2024

Enjoy watching this video that includes numerous people from different cultures and nationalities entering Islam gladly and with their own accord.

Originally posted 2023-10-25 12:11:27.

In spite of the great propaganda and wars against Islam, it remains the fastest growing religion of the World, as statistics show. The light of right and logic cannot be stopped by the gloom of falsehood.
People from all religions, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., even those who do not believe in religion or God, finally choose Islam as their religion and way of life. It is the religion that established the principles of justice, equality and freedom among people.

People from all nationalities, Americans, Indians, Germans, Russians, Chinese, etc. all convert to Islam. Allah (Glory be to Him) sent His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a mercy to the whole worlds; to all humans and the jinn.

Enjoy watching this video that includes numerous people from different cultures and nationalities entering Islam gladly and with their own accord.

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