Tag: My journey to Islam

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Give Me a Reason to Be Muslim?

Give Me a Reason to 

Originally posted 2024-06-01 06:56:08. By Editorial Staff In this video, 10 reasons are given which explain why we should embrace Islam. 1- Islam gives clear
How Yvonne Ridley Became a Muslim

How Yvonne Ridley Became a 

Watch this video to know how former Taliban captive, Yvonne Ridley, converted to Islam.
German Man Converts to Islam on Deathbed

German Man Converts to Islam 

The man in the video is a 75-year-old German who has converted to Islam on his deathbed. After the testimony, the son recited the call
My Journey to Islam: Muhammad Ali Led me to Islam

My Journey to Islam: Muhammad 

Originally posted 2024-03-12 13:54:48. Yahya, a 46-year old Filipino, has embraced Islam since he was 27.  His family belongs to the Committee of the Church
How the Media Made Damian Convert to Islam?

How the Media Made Damian 

Enjoy watching this video about the story of a Damian who was captured by the mass media that depicted Islam for him as an adverse
My Journey from the Baptist Church to the Mosque

My Journey from the Baptist 

Watch brother Mustapha who talks about his journey with both Islam and the church and the facts he has found in Islam that helped him
How Did Aishah Schwartz Find Her Way to Islam?

How Did Aishah Schwartz Find 

Watch the Shahadah story of Aishah Schwartz as given in a talk at the 4th Annual NEMA (Native European Muslims Assembly (NEMA) Camp held in
How Did a Former Islamophobe EDL Member Convert to Islam?

How Did a Former Islamophobe 

Did Kris believe in the trinity? What did Kris ask the Pope about? Did the Pope answer Kris' question? Watch this short video to know
How Did Suhaib Webb Convert to Islam?

How Did Suhaib Webb Convert 

Can God be a man? Can God have a son? Who is Allah? Watch this video to know how Imam Suhaib Webb reacted to these